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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

August is In-District Meetings month at NAIFA.

Every August, Congress recesses, allowing Senators and Representatives to spend a few weeks working from their home states and districts. Things slow to a crawl in our nation’s capital but they really heat up in Congressional districts across the country. It’s an opportunity NAIFA does not pass up. Each August, we facilitate hundreds of In-District Meetings between insurance and financial advisors and their lawmakers and staff. Equally as important as more formal meetings in Washington, D.C., these In-District Meetings are critical to building and nurturing meaningful grassroots relationships. In fact, 98% of Congressional staff agree that attending events in the district is important to understanding constituents’ views and opinions.

There are a few things that differentiate In-District Meetings from those held on Capitol Hill:

  • Lawmakers may be more relaxed in-district.
  • They may have more time to meet. While the in-district periods are still busy, lawmakers won’t be called away for hearings or votes.
  • Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., are continuously in meetings with all sorts of people. When they are in their district, they are at home and know they are meeting with one of their constituents.
  • Meeting in the district reinforces that you are active in the lawmaker’s community and that you represent the views of clients, neighbors, friends, and family who are voters in their district.
  • If you were only able to meet with staff at Congressional Conference (or weren’t able to get a meeting at all), the recess may give an opportunity to meet face-to-face with your legislators


In-District Meetings are a crucial part of NAIFA’s grassroots strategy. Meetings throughout the year – at Congressional Conference, during the recess, and at the National Leadership Conference in the fall – create a continuing drumbeat of grassroots advocacy.

For NAIFA, advocacy never stops and repetition is important. How successful would you be in your client relationships if you didn’t check in and follow up often? Those relationships require a little work and our advocacy relationships are no different. We want to continuously reinforce our message and remind lawmakers of the important work we do for our clients and communities.

This is an exciting time of the year for politically involved financial professionals. Through NAIFA’s In-District Meetings, you get to be a working part of our democracy. You have real influence with people who shape the laws that impact your business. You serve the best interests of you clients by advocating for policies that allow them to achieve financial security and pursue the American Dream.

What can you do?

  1. Sign up to meet with your lawmakers in your state or home district during the August Congressional recess. Log in to the NAIFA Member Portal and click “Grassroots” under the “Advocate” tab. But you don’t have to be a NAIFA member to participate. Email NAIFA’s Grassroots Manager Andrew Holt at advocacy@naifa.org to learn how you can make a difference.
  2. Tell a colleague who is not a NAIFA member about our vital advocacy work and invite them to attend In-District Meetings with you.
  3. If you're a NAIFA member and can't attend In-District Meetings, log in to NAIFA's Advocacy Action Center and respond to important Action Alerts.
  4. If you are not a member, join us today and learn how you can make the most of NAIFA's advocacy opportunities.



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