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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

In an ever-evolving landscape of personal finance and estate planning, staying ahead of the latest trends and legislative changes is paramount for professionals in the field. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the upcoming webinar led by Marty Shenkman, JD, CPA, MBA, PFS, will go over the critical developments and changes anticipated in 2024. Join us on February 27, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm eastern. 

This webinar will give participants the latest strategies and practical tips for estate planning, getting everyone up to speed to navigate the twists and turns of today's legal and financial challenges in estate planning.

The program highlights the importance of continuous learning and adapting, especially now when things can be so unpredictable. Attendees will get a lot of useful advice on how to improve their services for all types of clients, whether they're managing big fortunes or more modest estates, using straightforward and modern planning techniques. This approach not only boosts the value advisors bring to their relationships with clients but also sharpens their skills amid changing financial climates. The session is free for members to attend and CE credits may be available. 




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