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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security
2 min read

Encourage Your Clients to Vote

By NAIFA on 9/15/23 4:22 PM

NAIFA encourages everyone to vote. Our elected officials make decisions that impact everyone's financial security, so it is important for everyone who is eligible to participate in selecting who they are.

Insurance and financial professionals are well-placed to encourage voting. You are a prominent figure in your community. You have frequent contact with the public. You are used to educating clients. So the next time you're recommending a retirement strategy, insurance solution, or financial plan, why not encourage your client to vote as well?

They likely will appreciate your concern and it might just open inroads to other conversations, like how your advocacy through NAIFA is working on their behalf. September 18-22 is Employee Voter Registration Week, (brought to you by Employees Vote, an organization NAIFA partners with). September 19 is National Voter Registration Day. These are great occasions to reach out to clients and others in your community to encourage them to register.

NAIFA has put together a kit of materials you can use. These sample emails, social media posts, and graphics point to gotv4financialsecurity.org, a set of resources NAIFA has put together to help people get registered, learn about the election process, research their local elections and politicians, and provide election dates and state voter information. Please share them widely during Employee Voter Registration Week, National Voter Registration Day, and throughout the year.

Oh, and one last thing -- if you are not registered to vote yourself, these are great resources for insurance and financial advisors, too. Go to gotv4financialsecurity.org/ to check your registration status and get registered. 

Encourage Your Clients to Vote



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