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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Independence

1 min read

Just Do It.

By NAIFA on 8/12/20 8:00 AM

This is what new NAIFA member Robert Regan, CFP, RIA, will tell any agent or advisor who is thinking of joining NAIFA. Regan is with Regan Financial Group, LLC, in Danville, California, and provides a wide range of products and services to his clients, including insurance, investment advice and financial planning.

Regan strongly believes that all advisors should join NAIFA and give the association their support. He has been in the industry for some time now and he recently joined NAIFA because he felt it was time for him to support the industry. “I benefit a lot from what NAIFA does; so, I felt I should contribute something to the association,” he said.

Also, he thinks that the advocacy work NAIFA does is important. Politicians are always interested in getting rid of the tax-free status that beneficiaries of life insurance enjoy, he said, and with this being an election year, he felt it was time for him to do his part.

He would also like to stay up to date on the changes that are constantly going on in the industry, and believes that NAIFA will help him with this important task.

“We need to support ourselves and the financial-services industry, “ he concluded, “and membership in NAIFA is an efficient way to do so.”



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