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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

When Rodney Mogen, DBA, DFP, CRPC, AAMS, LACP, says he fell into a career in insurance and financial services, he means it literally. As a 7’2” college basketball player, Mogen was preparing for a career playing abroad when he injured his right leg coming down from a dunk. Not long after, he learned about the insurance and financial services industry at a career fair and began his career as a financial advisor. 

Making a Difference 

Now a brokerage director with MassMutual, Mogen works with financial advisers and insurance agents across the country to solve their insurance needs and he helps advisors grow practices built on an ethical foundation. The best part of working with clients, he says, is helping them solve financial puzzles. Mogen also owns his own practice, aptly named Solve Ur Puzzles, and works with small business owners in the retail, manufacturing, medical, dental, and chiropractic industries. 

There are three qualities that help an advisor or agent achieve success in their careers, says Mogen—vision, positive self-talk, and tenacity. When he started his career, Mogen was still in a cast and in physical therapy for his basketball injury. During his first few years in business, he says, it was difficult to stay positive. “In this career, the first 3-4 years are not the easiest, so there was always a lot of negative self-talk like ‘I'm not good enough.’ and ‘I can't do this.’ You must constantly reframe it and focus back to your vision.” 

Mogen talks about an experience that reinforced for him the importance of his work. His first client was a good friend. They built a financial plan together and agreed on almost every aspect of the plan. The only sticking points were life insurance and disability insurance. Eventually, his friend agreed to purchase both. “He fought me for 3 months but eventually implemented my insurance recommendations,” says Mogen. “I don't know if I was persistent enough or if his wife was persistent enough, but we were able to put life insurance in place and disability insurance.” 

The following year, he called Mogen with news—his doctors had discovered that he had metastatic cancer. While he was out of work, his disability insurance policy helped support him and his pregnant wife. Tragically, he passed away the night before his wife gave birth. Because of his life insurance policy, his widow was able to pay off their mortgage, stay home with their children until they were old enough for preschool, and put money away for their education.  

The Power of Political Advocacy 

As a part of NAIFA, agents and advisors build relationships with their lawmakers, which allows them to help shape policy and advocate for clients' best interests. Mogen is passionate about advocating for his clients with lawmakers and he believes it’s important for all insurance and financial services professionals to get involved in political advocacy. Through the years, Texas lawmakers have called him directly for his opinion on proposed legislation, giving him the opportunity to share the potential ramifications and unintended consequences. Mogen adds that political advocacy also helps agents and advisors serve their clients better by understanding the issues and laws that will affect them. 

The Benefits of NAIFA 

Mogen currently serves as President of NAIFA-TX. He is a Financial Security Advocate and a graduate of NAIFA’s Leadership in Life Institute and says NAIFA has benefitted his career by helping him build relationships with fellow members. An independent agent, he can reach out to his NAIFA colleagues for advice and collaborate with those with different specializations. “Almost all the advisors and the agents that I work with are from NAIFA,” he shares. “We all want to help each other. I can call anybody up that I know in NAIFA, and they'll help me.” Mogen believes that industry professionals should join NAIFA if they want to help their clients, push themselves, hold themselves to a higher standard, and surround themselves with successful people. 

Outside of the Office 

When he’s not working, Mogen stays involved in his community. He has served on several community and organizational boards, including autism awareness, the American Red Cross, and several others. In his free time, Mogen enjoys spending time with his wife and two puppies as well as watching basketball, swimming, and water polo. He is also currently working on his third doctoral degree. 

For his service to his community and our industry and association, we’re #NAIFAproud to have Rodney Mogen as a part of our NAIFA family.



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