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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Message From the CEO

One hundred and thirty-four years ago today, a group of life insurance agents from different parts of the United States gathered at the Parker House in Boston to create the National Association of Life Underwriters. This organization, which grew into the NAIFA we cherish and celebrate today, was formed to promote the success of the life insurance industry and encourage laws prohibiting life insurance agents from engaging in questionable or unethical practices.

NAIFA was born as an advocacy association and continues in that tradition today. NAIFA’s membership now consists of professionals from communities across the country, representing every congressional district, and engaging in various financial services practices. With firm roots in NAIFA’s life insurance origins, NAIFA members today offer the entire gamut of financial services products and services: from health, disability, and long-term care insurance to wealth management and estate planning; from college funding preparation to retirement planning; from employee benefits to buy-sell agreements; and much more.

NAIFA’s recent merger with the Society of Financial Service Professionals and joining with Life Happens has expanded the breadth of our membership and the reach of our influence. NAIFA’s volunteer leaders, executive team, and association management experts have embarked on an effort to build a new strategic plan to carry our success through the year 2030 and beyond. We look to our future with excitement as we reflect on our past with pride.

Congratulations on being a member of the largest and most esteemed association of financial professionals in the United States. We hope you were able to join us in celebrating NAIFA’s anniversary during a special toast via Zoom.

NAIFA Celebrates 134




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