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Main Street
NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA has partnered with six other trade groups in the insurance and financial services space to provide content for the Help Protect Our Families program. The program is designed to help insurance carriers and distribution partners understand the increased need for life insurance products by American families, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the Help Protect Our Families press release.

Organized by LL Global, the parent of LIMRA and LOMA, Help Protect Our Families aims to help carriers and advisors reach out to more clients and prospects to evaluate their life insurance needs. According to LIMRA research, 60 million Americans lack adequate coverage, and demand for life insurance products has increased during the pandemic. Help Protect Our Families provides a wealth of information, including content from NAIFA experts and thought leaders, on its web portal. The program will also reach carriers and distribution partners with weekly insights and social media posts.

“NAIFA is pleased to be working with LIMRA, LOMA and our other industry partners on the Help Protect Our Families initiative,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux. “We know there is a strong need for the products and services NAIFA members provide to American families, and efforts to connect insurance and financial professionals with people who need their help is very worthwhile, particularly at a time when so many people have experienced economic uncertainty and personal loss due to COVID-19.”

Among the resources available through the initiative are: consumer content, industry research, best practices, thought leadership, and content designed to be downloaded and shared with colleagues, clients, and consumers.



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