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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

At the end of April, NAIFA was a proud sponsor of the 2024 Farmers Embrace Conference in Las Vegas. In 2020, this conference was created by Gabriela Reyna, loyal member since 2011, has grown to more than 800 attendees in just five years. Life Happens was honored to be selected as the 2024 Conference Charity and sponsored keynote speaker, Van Mueller, loyal member since 1979.

Brian Steiner, Executive Director of Life Happens, accepted a $5,000 check from the Embrace Conference as the 2024 designated charity. 

The NAIFA booth had current members stopping by and many more who joined on-site and wanted more information about belonging to their professional association.

Shout out to NAIFA State Chapter Presidents Iris Nance (VA), Scott Dorminy (AR), and Kym Housley (OR). These leaders attended the Farmers Embrace conference and even stopped by the booth to help recruit new members. Thank you, Iris, Scott, and Kym!

Are you a Farmers Agent and want to learn more about NAIFA? Contact NAIFA's Membership Department today at membership@naifa.org

Farmers CEO with NAIFA MembersIris Nance, Kym Housley, Farmers CEO Raul Vargus, and Scott Dorminy during the closing reception.

Gabriela Reyna-1
Event founder and NAIFA Member, Gabriela Reyna.

Van Mueller at Embrace
Van Mueller speaks to a packed main-stage audience about why now is the best time to be an agent.




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