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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security
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NAIFA Mourns Long-Time Member Reggie Rabjohns

By NAIFA on 10/23/23 12:59 PM

Topics: Members

NAIFA is sad to learn that long-time member Reginald Rabjohns passed away October 19

He became a NAIFA member in 1968 and found success at an early age. He became the General Agent for State Mutual and later was the General Agent in Chicago for Allmerica and New England Life. At age 27, Reggie became the youngest Life Member of MDRT. He became MDRT's President in 1999. He was a tremendous speaker and helped motivate and educate financial services audiences in 39 states and 25 countries for MDRT.

At NAIFA, where he has been a member for almost 50 years, he served on various committees and as trustee and president of NAIFA-Chicagoland. Reggie was also appointed to the LIFE Foundation board where he served as trustee following his tenure on the MDRT Executive Committee and as chairman of The American College Foundation.

In 2008, Reggie received the Huebner Gold Medal from The American College, the institution’s highest honor. He has also received the Distinguished Service Award from NAIFA-Chicago and the Huebner Scholar Award from the Chicago Chapter of CLU and ChFC. He is a member of the Hall of Fame for both The American College and the State Mutual/All America.



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