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ASAE recognizes NAIFA’s efforts to bolster insurance and financial professionals who are new to the industry.

NAIFA has received a 2020 Power of A Silver Award from ASAE, the Center for Association Leadership, in recognition of NAIFA’s Advisor Ambassador Program. NAIFA’s Advisor Ambassadors provide online professional development sessions and other content to less established colleagues who are trying to gain a foothold in the insurance and financial services business.

“NAIFA members are in a tough business that proves especially challenging for many people early in their careers,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux. “Yet it is crucial that we support and encourage the next generation of financial professionals to help American consumers increase their financial literacy, mitigate financial risks, prepare for retirement, and achieve their financial goals. NAIFA is grateful to ASAE for recognizing the importance of our Advisor Ambassadors with a Power of A Silver Award.”

NAIFA provides the sessions free of charge. They address key skills necessary for success as an insurance and financial advisor, including: prospecting, networking, brand awareness, and leadership. Producers with less than five years in the industry have a dropout rate of up to 85%. NAIFA’s Advisor Ambassador Program is designed to help young advisors and those new to the business overcome the odds.

NAIFA recruits volunteer Advisor Ambassadors from members of its Young Advisors Team who have found success early in their careers. Nearly 1,000 insurance and financial professionals have taken advantage of the Advisor Ambassador Program.

ASAE is a membership organization of more than 46,000 association executives and industry partners representing 7,400 organizations. ASAE members lead, manage, and work in or partner with organizations in more than a dozen association management disciplines, from executive management to finance to technology.

The ASAE’s Power of A Awards showcase how associations leverage their unique resources to solve problems, advance industry or professional performance, kick-start innovation, and improve conditions around the world.



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