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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Scott Brennan is a life insurance industry legend. He is a MassMutual agent, former president of the Million Dollar Round Table, 2016 recipient of the John Newton Russell Memorial Award, and a NAIFA member since 1978. He refers to himself, however, as the “Chief Attitude Officer” and delivered an inspirational and motivational message to his industry colleagues during NAIFA’s April 30 online Town Hall meeting.


The Power of Optimism

“It is a competitive advantage to be optimistic,” Brennan said. “I look for what’s right rather than what’s wrong.” He views writing life insurance as a “sacred honor” and finds motivation in the relationships he has built. Staying optimistic helps him make connections with clients and with all of the important people in his life.


“Find people in your life you can love, admire, and believe in,” he says, because it’s a relationship business. Selling life insurance is 10% product knowledge and 90% social skills, he added.


The Power of Life Insurance

Brennan is proud to call himself a life insurance producer. In his storied career, he has written policies on a garbage collector and on the CEO of a Fortune 100 company. He has delivered checks to clients of $5,000 and $5 million (and, he notes, the recipient of the $5,000 check was more grateful than the recipient of the $5 million).


NAIFA members are made for tough times, like the COVID-19 outbreak. “People in the life insurance industry know how to take a punch,” he said. Life insurance is a product made for tough times, too.


“When the markets tumbled in March, I didn’t lose a dime on all the life insurance I own,” he said. “And I own a lot.”


Tips for Success

Brennan offered suggestions and ideas he has used to build his own successful career:

  • Life insurance is a business of stories. Stick with it and become a good storyteller and you have a good chance to succeed.
  • Do thorough fact finding before meeting with a prospect. Anticipate their objections and have answers.
  • Don’t be afraid to call on people “you’re afraid of,” who you think are likely to reject you. Successful producers “fight above their weight class,” he said.
  • “Know who it is you want to get in front of. There are a lot of great people in your town. Look for people who love their families.”
  • But don’t try to be all things to all people. “Be a few things to the right people and make connections.”
  • Be active in your professional association. “If it weren’t for NAIFA, I wouldn’t be sitting here today,” Brennan said.
  • Set goals and hold yourself accountable. For each year he’s been in the business

NAIFA Town Halls are available online for on-demand viewing.



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