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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Independence

Dave Resseguie, the founder and chief shepherd of The Resseguie Group, will be the featured presenter at the September NAIFA Live event, tomorrow, Sept. 10, at 2 PM Eastern. His presentation, “Y[our] Work Matters,” will inspire financial professionals to “connect with the fact that what they do is important and it’s valuable.” He will also give practical tips on how agents and advisors can emphasize the importance of their work to make real connections with prospects.

As a speaker and coach, Resseguie decided that when COVID-19 impacted the way everyone does business: “I just wanted to be viewed as a helper. I wanted to pay it forward with nothing in it for me. I knew, to the extent that I could care about other people and help them meet their needs, my needs were going to be met.”

Similarly, the pandemic offers financial professionals opportunities to increase their level of service to clients. “Just be a resource to your clients to help them with anything and everything you can help them with, regardless if that means premium dollars or assets.”

By focusing on the needs of his clients, Resseguie says he made their decision to work with him easier. It has also made it easier for him to pursue his professional goals.

“I don't believe that we get what we expect in life just because it's magically going to come to us,” he said. “I believe that we get what we expect in life because when we expect exceptional things to happen our expectation is followed up by intentional action. So be the people that stay connected to your vision and then follow up your vision by intentional action.”

NAIFA Live is a virtual event available to NAIFA members. Please register in advance. If you are not yet a NAIFA member, please join us to take advantage of all the benefits of the premier association for insurance and financial professionals in the United States.

 To register for this week's NAIFA Live, please visit the Members Portal under Educate.



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