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Main Street
NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA has announced that it will hold its 2022 Congressional Congress in-person May 23-24 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature targeted advocacy training with briefings on legislative issues that affect members’ businesses and the clients they serve. Expert presenters will offer best practices for conducting Congressional meetings and tips for developing impactful long-term relationships with legislators.

On the second day of the Congressional Conference, attendees will go to Capitol Hill for meetings with their Senators, Representatives, and Congressional staff. They will discuss legislative issues important to their businesses and clients. Their stories offer unique insights into the important work they do providing Main Street USA consumers with opportunities to achieve financial security and prosperity.

“The Congressional Conference is NAIFA’s signature advocacy event and is crucial to our grassroots strategy,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. The event brings NAIFA members and members of its advocacy association partners together as a critical mass to advocate on behalf of their businesses, clients, and consumers as a whole.

NAIFA President Lawrence Holzberg, LUTCF, LACP, stated, “At Congressional Conference, financial professionals speak as a unified voice on behalf of their clients and communities. Lawmakers are keenly receptive to the stories and ideas of agents and advisors who work directly with Main Street Americans, making the impact of the event undeniable.”

This year’s Congressional Conference builds on the grassroots success of NAIFA’s December National Leadership Conference. At that event, NAIFA members were among the first groups allowed to visit reopened Congressional offices, which had been closed to the public under security restrictions and COVID-19 protocols. NAIFA members met with 40 legislators to encourage public policy solutions that promote financial security for all Americans.

The Congressional Conference bolsters NAIFA’s prestige among lawmakers and industry partners and enhances the association’s standing as the leading voice for producers. It is crucial for ensuring lawmakers thoroughly understand the important role financial services professionals play in:

  • Providing products, services, and advice that improve the financial security of 90 million American families
  • Promoting financial literacy and self-sufficiency in diverse communities
  • Strengthening the U.S. economy and contributing to the financial health of communities in every Congressional district
  • Representing the best interests of their clients and promoting the success of Main Street Americans and businesses

“The personal stories financial services professionals tell profoundly illustrate how public policies impact their clients,” said NAIFA Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle. “These are stories lawmakers want and need to hear. No one can tell them better than NAIFA members, and the Congressional Conference is our best vehicle for reaching a large, attentive audience of policymakers.”

The event is open to all financial services professionals, including those exploring membership in NAIFA. Save the date, May 23-24, for NAIFA’s 2022 Congressional Conference.



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