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NAIFA’s Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) has received a 2022 Power of Associations Gold Award from ASAE, the Center for Association Leadership. The Power of Associations Awards honor “associations that go above and beyond their everyday mission to undertake initiatives that have far-reaching benefits important to their profession or industry.”

LILI is a six-month program offered exclusively to NAIFA members who are committed to growing intellectually and professionally through a process of deep introspection and discussion. LILI graduates acquire leadership skills that benefit them in their businesses, within NAIFA, and in their personal lives. They agree to serve for at least two years in NAIFA leadership roles upon graduation. Many also go on to serve in leadership positions in their professional lives and communities.

“The Leadership in Life Institute is important to NAIFA’s long-term success, with many of our national and state chapter leaders emerging from the program,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. “As a strong supporter of ASAE, NAIFA is extraordinarily proud that the Center has chosen to recognize LILI with this honor. It is a testament to the NAIFA members who make LILI so powerful by creating and refining the curriculum, volunteering as moderators, and participating in the classes.”

The Power of LILI

LILI elevates the prestige and promotes the success of NAIFA and the industry by producing highly engaged and effective leaders. Evidence of the program's success includes:

  • LILI has graduated more than 3,000 NAIFA members.
  • According to data compiled from NAIFA's membership database, more than 95% of LILI graduates have completed or are completing their two-year association service pledge.
  • 12 of NAIFA's past 15 National Presidents are LILI graduates.
  • Two NAIFA officers in line to be our 2023 and 2024 Presidents are LILI graduates.
  • Of NAIFA's National Board of Trustees who are also NAIFA members (and thus eligible for LILI), 75% are LILI graduates.
  • In recent years, more than 65% of NAIFA State Chapter Presidents have been LILI graduates.
  • Of eight current NAIFA members known to be running for state legislatures or U.S. Congress during the 2022 election year, six are LILI graduates.
  • 70% of LILI graduates report measurable growth in their book of business during the year following graduation.

NAIFA’s LILI program received the Power of Associations Gold Award in the “Power of Industry and Professional Advancement” category, which recognizes LILI’s development of innovative educational and professional development opportunities for NAIFA members and its enhancement of the collective body of knowledge for the profession. NAIFA has previously won Power of Associations Silver Awards for its Advisor Ambassadors program (2020) and NAIFA Live program (2019).

ASAE is a membership organization of more than 46,000 association executives and industry partners representing 7,400 organizations. ASAE members lead, manage, and work in or partner with organizations in more than a dozen association management disciplines, from executive management to finance to technology.

The ASAE’s Power of Associations Awards showcase how associations leverage their unique resources to solve problems, advance industry or professional performance, kick-start innovation, and improve conditions around the world.



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