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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

NAIFA marketing partner InsurTech Express recently launched their new IE Bookshelf to help promote and highlight books written by insurance and financial services professionals.

Current books by NAIFA members in the IE Bookshelf library include How Not to Tear Your Family Apart by NAIFA's Executive Director of the Centers of Excellence, Carroll Golden, The K-Method of Roulette by Ken Leibow, and Diversity Means Dollars by Vince Vitiello.

Ken Leibow, CEO of InsurTech Express said, "Many professionals in the insurance, financial, and technology industry have authored books. We at InsurTech Express want to support the industry by promoting their books. They have worked tirelessly to get their books written and published." By hovering over each book, a drop-down box appears showing the title, author, description, and a link to purchase the book from Amazon or other booksellers.

Users can access the IE Bookshelf directly at www.InsurTechBooks.com. In order to have your book placed into the IE Bookshelf, email the book information to Ken Leibow at ken@insurtechexpress.com.

InsurTech Express will promote the books listed on the IE Bookshelf on social media and digital media for free to their vast industry network of approximately 200,000.



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