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Robert E. Krumroy, a NAIFA member for 39 years, spoke during NAIFA’s Big Ideas Presentation on Monday, Sept. 10, about the importance and hardships of prospecting.

Krumroy, CLU, ChFC, said, “It’s harder to attract prospects today than any time in history.”

The “Age of Skepticism” began with telemarketing, then with advertisements, and the majority of people are just tired of having information thrown at them.

“Before we made a sale, we had to go into someone’s home, we had to get them to know us, like us and trust us.”

Unfortunately, he said, that process is no longer a prerequisite for a sale; it’s the prerequisite for an appointment!

Krumroy continued with different scenarios to help the audience with prospecting.

The Hesitant Friend: Everybody has a friend (or contact) who tries to weasel their way out of plans to meet or won’t give you the time of day to discuss having them as a client. The best approach with them is to say: “Just because you’re a friend of mine doesn’t mean you should be my client. But there’s no reason you shouldn’t be.” Continue to discuss how your knowledge will assist them over the years and set a definitive meeting time.

His second hint was the Transition Strategy. By making yourself and your methods remarkable, relevant and personal, you will have success in attracting clients.

One method he’s found to stand out is to take a prospective client’s business card, laminating it and turning it into a luggage tab, and sending it back to the client with a letter. In the letter, say you enjoyed meeting them and have sent back the business card as a luggage tag for their personal use. Continue to provide more information about what you do and how to set up an appointment.

By sending a personalized letter and the luggage tag to the prospective client, you have made a definite impact on the client, and they will remember who you are when you call them to set up an appointment. Do something that makes you stand out to your clients so they are more willing to sign with you and refer you to people they know.

“Prospecting has changed dramatically, but there are ways to work with the difficulties,” Krumroy said, ending his speech.



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