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1 min read

Turning Goals Into Reality

By NAIFA on 9/10/12 4:51 PM

During Monday’s General Session of the NAIFA 2012 Career Conference and Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, attendees received some valuable information on how to turn their goals into reality from Norman Levine, CLU, ChFC, CSA, who proudly announced that this is his 65th year in the life insurance business. Levine is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer and consultant.

Radiating the energy of success that has inspired over half a million people in the United States and abroad, Levine told the audience that if they have not made MDRT yet, it is most likely because they are not doing the things they should be doing.

To be successful, he said, they need to have a high level of activity, possess a unique selling proposition and acquire industry knowledge. Also, success may be eluding them because they are probably doing the things they like to do and ignoring their weak spots. “You will double your production by identifying your weak spots and focusing on them for the next six months.“ Also, if they don’t concentrate on one “pitch” at a time, they will not make it.

To be successful, he stressed, agents have to follow a variety of critical steps, including:

*See the people
* Find out what you want to do in the next year
*Keep records of your activities
*Know your average case size
*Know how many applications you need to sell to accomplish your goal
*Figure out your closing ratio

Something else agents need to do to ensure their success is to create their own financial plan. No matter how much money they make each year, they should invest 10 percent of it. Also, they should not spend their renewal income, but invest it as well.

“If you do this, you will be a millionaire in 10 years,” he said. “It works. It is not easy, but it is simple.”



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