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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

As NAIFA members convene in Washington this week for APIC/IFAPAC training and a “Day on the Hill” event, Rep. David Scott (D-GA) offered practical advice for those meeting with Congress on important industry issues: “Say the right thing” and “speak with clarity.”

Rep. Scott told NAIFA members that Congress needs information from agents and advisors “to help us make sense” of complex issues including health care and tax reform, NARAB II, and standard of care.

When discussing NARAB II, Rep. Scott advised members to tell Congress that NAIFA members have “an essential need to function in an efficient way across the states.” Reps. Scott and Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) are sponsors of NARAB II (H.R. 1155), which would create a national clearinghouse for insurance agents and brokers to obtain approval to operate on a multi-state basis.

“You need to get (Congress) to see that if you are not able to move as your customers move, then this will impact both of you significantly,” Rep. Scott said of NARAB II. “You should not have to give up your clients.”

Rep. Scott also is a cosponsor of H.R. 2328, a bill that would remove health insurance agent compensation out of medical loss ratio calculations. Consumers need health insurance agents now more than ever, at a time of “mass confusion, mass political intrigue and lack of acceptance” to affordable health care,” Rep. Scott said.

“All of what (NAIFA members) do affects the lives of so many, and we need that shining light of information that you folks can provide to us,” Rep. Scott said. “One of the reasons I have such great affection for your association is because…you are there at a time when (consumers) need not just insurance, but reassurance that somewhere in their lives, they will be covered when the storm hits. You have the nobility of purpose and trust.”

NAIFA CEO Dr. Susan Waters and NAIFA President John Nichols also addressed the audience, thanking them for their participation and ability to take the time away from their businesses to represent the industry.

The ability to meet with Congress provides the greatest opportunity to raise awareness of the important role our members play in securing Americans’ financial futures, Dr. Waters said. Dr. Waters also encouraged members to join NAIFA for the May 21-22 Congressional Conference, because “our message resonates with Congress.”

John Nichols, MSM, CLU, reminded NAIFA members that NAIFA “is not a leadership of one.”

Said Nichols: “We are all united together as leaders through this great federation, joined together for this common cause called NAIFA.”



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