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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

1 min read

Protecting Your Client's Most Valuable Asset

By NAIFA on 9/13/19 3:51 PM


 The importance of having the DI conversation with your clients was the topic of a presentation by Brian Martin with MassMutual during NAIFA's P+P Conference, currently going on in Orlando.


Disability income insurance is the foundation of any sound financial plan, Martin told the attendees.  If you do not sell DI to your clients as a part of their financial plan, you are doing them a disservice. He sells lots of this valuable product in his financial practice, which focuses on selling DI insurance to physicians.

In selling DI, he does not take a wishy-washy approach. Instead, he uses his expertise in the business to tell them what they should buy and why they should buy it.

D I has many benefits, he said.. Among other things:

It is a foundational tool for a sound financial planning strategy.

It helps protect their standard of living

 DI protects their most valuable asset, which is their ability to earn an income.


He also uses the following reasons to explain to them why they should buy DI now:

Buying DI early helps to lock in their insurability. " You cannot buy DI after you are hurt," he said.

It helps to lock in their age and the premium.


To market DI effectively, agents should do lunch and learn sessions,  educate prospects and be seen and be visible. "It is your job to embed yourself in the market, " he said.





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