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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Independence

NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux and President Tom Michel issued the following statement:

“NAIFA is saddened and horrified by recent news reports that reflect increasing violence targeting people of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) heritage. Hatred of any group or community of Americans is something we as a country cannot condone. As an association of professionals committed to promoting financial security for all Americans, NAIFA strongly condemns it.

“NAIFA members have dedicated their professional lives to providing protection and peace of mind to the diverse tapestry of individuals, families, and businesses making up Main Street USA. We understand and acknowledge that no one can feel truly protected or at peace if they are subjected to discrimination, hatred, or violence.

“At this difficult time, NAIFA offers support and solidarity to our AAPI members and colleagues in the insurance and financial services industry. We will continue our ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and do our part to further a productive dialogue. We will work across our 50 chapters, our large metro chapters, and our entire professional association to raise awareness and provide education so that we can better understand and appreciate our differences.

“Our association is committed to uniting insurance and financial professionals to serve the best interests of Americans in every community, without discrimination. We are stronger as an association, and as a nation, when we celebrate our diversity and work together.”



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