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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

John W. Wheeler, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, LUTCF, CLTC, LACP, Senior Executive Partner of Totus Wealth Management and loyal NAIFA member since 1973, is featured in this month's InsuranceNewsNet Magazine.

In the interview, he shares powerful stories from his life and career, thoughts on the changing face of the insurance and financial services industry, and his advice for new agents and advisors. 

"It’s all about the questions we ask and how we really get into what’s important," he says in the article. "I don’t consider myself a salesperson. I just help people make educated decisions."

In NAIFA Nation in his 50 years of NAIFA membership, Wheeler has been a strong leader, serving on his local and state boards as well as NAIFA's Board of Trustees. He currently serves as the chair of the Financial Security Alliance, a group of associations working to increase Americans' financial literacy.

Read the full article here.



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