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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

Though Dustin Carnevale’s career did not begin in the financial industry, he always found himself extremely interested in monitoring the market and keeping up with financial news. It was only when he became involved in financial literacy education efforts through his earlier professional roles that his eyes were opened to the need for trained, objective fiduciaries to help those who are not sure where to start achieving their financial goals. This helped drive Carnevale to leave his established career in marketing and pursue his interest in finances to help fill a gap in the industry where his communication skills were needed and valued.  

A Trusted Partner

Today, working with the Institutional Banking team at The Bancorp, Inc., Carnevale helps individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits to capitalize on opportunities that can leverage their hard work and turn it into achievable steps to support their financial goals. His clients range from individuals with modest assets in the market to complex family trusts, LLCs, small businesses, and nonprofits, to which he provides liquidity solutions and consultative financial services that allow clients to manage both sides of their balance sheet and utilize investments to make smart financial decisions.

Carnevale sees the impact of his work when he meets with new advisors and clients to help educate them on the unique liquidity and lending options, they were previously unaware of. Whether it’s preventing clients from needing to liquidate investments, drain savings accounts, or face stiff borrowing costs and covenants, his team guides their partners to find flexible products and options that help access liquidity. 

His passion for financial education is not limited to his professional career. Carnevale remains actively involved in financial literacy initiatives through seminars and outreach efforts, as well as contributing to the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at his alma mater, George Washington University.  

Joining NAIFA

When Carnevale was introduced to NAIFA, supporting the organization and its mission felt like a seamless fit where he could help represent the industry and continue to advocate for independent financial advisors. He strongly believes in the power of financial education and its ability to improve people’s lives, and with NAIFA, he hopes to increase the organization’s impact. As a member, he looks forward to working with top performers in financial services, taking advantage of the organization’s educational opportunities, and providing additional value to the NAIFA community.  

Outside of the Office

When he is not helping partners find liquidity or advocating for greater financial literacy, Carnevale often finds himself embracing the outdoors in Salt Lake City. He is a member of outdoor organizations committed to keeping the wilderness protected and facilitating responsible use so he can continue his hobbies of trail running, cycling, climbing, hiking, and camping.  

Thank you, Dustin, for your hard work and dedication. We look forward to a bright future in the association for you and are #NAIFAproud to call you one of our own. 



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