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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

(NAIFA) will celebrate its 130th anniversary Thursday, June 18, with an online Town Hall meeting “The State of NAIFA on Our 130th Anniversary Celebration.”

When: Thursday, June 18, from 12 noon to 1 PM (EDT)
Register: http://www.naifa.org/townhalls

The virtual event is open via Zoom technology to NAIFA members and leaders as well as anyone in the insurance and financial services industry wishing to learn more about NAIFA and celebrate its 130 years as the preeminent association of agents and advisors. The event continues NAIFA’s run of highly successful virtual Town Hall meetings that began in March when much of the nation began going into lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Thursday’s State of NAIFA will feature presentations by NAIFA President Cammie Scott, MSIE, ChHC, CLTC, LUTCF, REBC, RHU, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE, and Senior Vice President for Government Relations Diane Boyle. Mayeux will lead off with a segment on NAIFA’s rebirth at the beginning of 2019. The new NAIFA ushered in a completely modernized association structure that capitalizes on its strengths as a national organization with 53 state and territorial chapters as well as 30+ local chapters. The new NAIFA’s improved communication, flexibility, and nimbleness allowed it to quickly create new programming during the pandemic to keep members engaged and help the entire producer community adapt to new ways of doing business.

“Along with NAIFA Nation: Impact Week, which was a series of online programs featuring thought leaders in the areas of diversity, advocacy, and leadership that drew approximately 5,000 participants, NAIFA’s Town Halls have united the industry and given agents and advisors a place to gather, learn, and receive encouragement and motivation in spite of COVID-19,” Mayeux said. “NAIFA’s nimble new structure allowed us to adapt and even enhance our programming without missing a beat.”

Boyle will follow Mayeux with a legislative update highlighting important regulatory and legislative issues NAIFA has addressed during the first half of 2020. Again COVID-19 had an impact, forcing NAIFA to refocus its advocacy agenda on economic relief and recovery packages that moved quickly in Washington, D.C., and in every state capital. NAIFA has helped shape these laws and regulations to ensure they serve the interests of NAIFA members and the Main Street consumers they serve, including families, retirees, and small businesses.

Scott will conclude with remarks on where NAIFA is headed as we emerge from COVID-19 shutdowns and beyond. She will discuss how NAIFA is adapting to serve a membership that protects the financial security of a changing Main Street. NAIFA is committed to helping financial professionals serve every American and provide access to the products and services that create financial security.

“COVID-19 has shown us that Americans can adapt to anything and that the pace of change regarding how we meet, communicate, and do business is only accelerating,” said Scott. “NAIFA is meeting that challenge to ensure that our members keep pace and thrive in their mission to help Americans improve their financial literacy, mitigate life’s risks, prepare for prosperous retirements, and leave meaningful legacies. NAIFA celebrates our 130th anniversary by remembering our past as we reach for our destiny.”



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