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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Security

2 min read

The State of NAIFA Town Hall: CEO Update

By NAIFA on 6/19/20 3:06 PM

NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE, opened the NAIFA Town Hall “The State of NAIFA on Our 130th Anniversary” by marking the occasion of NAIFA’s formation on June 18, 1890, in Boston. Then as now, NAIFA members joined together to promote the interests of an industry crucial to providing financial security to Main Street Americans.

“NAIFA has undergone a lot changes over our history, but the biggest might be our recent change when our members voted to change the overall structure of NAIFA in May 2018,” Mayeux said. “When the new structure, and our new operational and financial model, came into existence on January 1, 2019, we became One NAIFA.”

This structural change has modernized and re-energized NAIFA to allow the association more efficiently and have the nimbleness to anticipate and adjust to a rapidly changing world.

“Our new structure affords us a distribution channel that allows us to deliver communication, programs and information quickly through our streamlined network of connected national, state, and local chapters,” Mayeux said.

A Consistently Strong Membership Experience

With a national home office and 53 state and territorial chapters and a smaller number of strong local chapters under the states, the One NAIFA provides a consistently strong membership experience nationwide and maintains the flexibility to address specific state and local members’ needs.

“With our new structure, we can hold a national-level program, just as we did several weeks ago at NAIFA Nation: Impact Week, and have NAIFA members from all over the country come together to represent their local area, their state and participate in a national-level conversation,” Mayeux said.

The New NAIFA also offers a strong slate of programming and resources valuable to members at every phase of their careers. Central to these offerings are NAIFA’s new Centers of Excellence: The Talent Development Center, Business Performance Center, and Limited and Extended Care Planning Center.

“There is no outgrowing NAIFA,” Mayeux said. “We have designed One NAIFA to allow the new advisor through to an advisor thinking about succession planning to tap into a national network of professionals with supporting resources so that you can belong to NAIFA throughout your career.”

NAIFA’s and prior adoption of interactive communications technology has allowed it to quickly respond to the needs of members during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide online programming and resources that have united the industry and kept producers informed and engaged.

“Since COVID-19, we’ve had over 15,000 registrants participate in our online events,” Mayeux said. “If you want to experience this yourself, you can visit any of our archives for our programs where you can watch the presentations on-demand. Moving to a streaming virtual event followed by an on-demand archive means that NAIFA members can now engage with NAIFA in a timeframe that fits their schedule and not miss out on great programming.”

The NAIFA Town Hall Archive



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