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NAIFA Members Provide Financial Independence

NAIFA has announced the completion of its 2021 Business Implementation Plan that is phase one of its 2025 Strategic Plan, and the release of its new Business Implementation Plan for 2022. The 2025 Strategic Plan builds on the NAIFA 20/20 plan penned in 2016 that navigated the organization through a complete restructure of its chapters and overhaul of its bylaws.

NAIFA began implementing its new association structure in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its formal unveiling occurred this past December 5-6, 2021, where the new streamlined and modern NAIFA Nation was announced and celebrated at the National Leadership Conference held in-person in Washington, D.C. The Board of Trustees formally met to unanimously approve the 2022 Business Implementation Plan, which will govern the association’s work for the coming year.

The 2022 Business Implementation Plan focuses on further integrating NAIFA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion into its membership strategy to ensure that Main Street Americans have a financial services workforce that is reflective of the population it serves, as well as to have a membership that can serve in a grassroots capacity that is a true representation of elected officials’ constituent base within their respective communities. The plan focuses on raising awareness of the benefits of a career in financial services, expand access to financial advisors to more Americans by targeting underserved markets, and seeks to partner with like-minded organizations that want to collaborate in expanding the profession.

“NAIFA continues to deliver,” said NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, CAE. “We have put in the hard work of reimagining and retooling NAIFA to be the professional home of choice for financial services professionals regardless of area of practice, geographic location, or demographic profile. Since 2019, we have welcomed in more than 4,300 new members, showcasing that our inclusive culture and volunteer programs that reward meritocracy are valued. Further, with a retention rate exceeding 94% this year, we can confidently say that the plan is working. 2022 will focus on further expansion with new partnerships and programs to be announced.”

The committee that led the strategic planning process consisted of a cross section of NAIFA members and volunteer leaders as well as thought leaders from NAIFA’s corporate and association partners. The group offers a broad range of knowledge and an impressive track record of success in the insurance and financial services industry and association management. Committee members also have a strong understanding of NAIFA members, their practice specialties and their dedication to serving Main Street USA families and small businesses.

“Our goal in 2022 is to ensure that every agent and advisor knows who NAIFA is and understands our commitment to the individuals, families, and small business that we serve and for whom NAIFA, and NAIFA alone, provides advocacy work at the state, interstate, and federal levels,” said NAIFA President Lawrence Holzberg, LACP, LUTCF. “Our association is sound – financially, structurally, and culturally – allowing NAIFA to further expand our brand in 2022.”

The NAIFA 2025 Strategic Planning Committee

Members of the committee are:





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