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This year’s NAIFA Performance + Purpose Conference is more than an annual meeting--it is a conference that boasts a host of dynamic speakers whose stories of tenacity, hard work and professional success will inspire you to move your career forward.

One of these speakers is Christie Mueller, whose workshop is titled, “Ladies and Gentlemen, What Are Your Intentions?” During her workshop, Mueller will explain how to remove the obstacles standing in the way of success, how to discover the power of the “inner advisor,” and how our beliefs, assumptions and internal dialogues can either serve as a restrictive harness or propel us to limitless achievement.

The career of Mueller, who is a financial advisor with New York Life, did not start out with a bang. In fact, it was more like a decade-long whimper.  In the first 10 years, she said, she barely earned enough money to pay her bills.

But in 1997, something important happened, which changed everything for Mueller.  Armed with information from The Pacific Institute and a new framework to view her world, Mueller’s career started to take off--and she has never looked back.

The following are some of her many accomplishments:

  • For the past 19 years, she has been a top-50 advisor in the company.
  • In 2015, she was Council Vice President, producing the 3rd highest production in the history of the company.
  • In 2016, she made a second “run for the roses”.  With new clients alone, she earned over $1.7 million and attained her goal of Council President.  This is a one-time honor.
  • Part of the lesson that Mueller learned comes from her father, who worked on the mission to land a man on the moon, part comes from her mother, who tells us to “Slay a Dragon” every day, and part comes from never asking “How?”
  • Make plans now to attend the 2019 Performance +Purpose Conference to hear speakers like Mueller tell their stories of hope, persistence, and amazing success. It is an event you cannot afford to miss!For more information, go to www.naifa.org/events and select Performance + Purpose 2019. Hope to see you there!



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